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Cherie Young

Cherie Young is a native of the Washington D.C. area and is a practitioner of Intra-Dimensional Web Working, Dimensional Presence and Dimensional Virtues.


She is a masterful Intra-Dimensional healer and teacher. She stands in the unbroken lineage of twenty-five generations of Mexican Curanderos (master healers descended from the Mayan and Aztec traditions). These teachings have been handed down through the auric field from Master Healers. 


Her approach utilizes fierce compassion connecting clients to their divine inner knowing. She has assisted in the alleviation of numerous dis-eases affecting the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


Cherie teaches healing workshops internationally and in the U.S. on a regular basis. (check the schedule for upcoming dates). She is also available for One-on-One sessions. 


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