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After one session with my son, I saw no more signs of his deep depression.

Intra-Dimensional Web Working

Intra-Dimensional Web Working is a form of spiritual energetic psychic surgery and a channeled gift for the people of the Earth in this time of frenzied change.  


Web Working is a holistic means of working in the subtle body fields around the physical body. It is easy safe and fun for addressing multiple problems throughout the physical; emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions. 


Investment: $220/ninety minute session



To schedule an appointment, please contact Cherie.

~ M.S. of Virginia
I thank God for you every night. My family's quality of life is so much better since you cleansed our house.
~ K..A. of Virginia

House Cleansing

What is Spiritual House Cleansing?


Removing unwanted enities from a property, which can be a home, business or vacation site. The process cleanses an area of any dimensional debris or disturbing patterns of energy. 


This manifestation may impede home improvements and cause electronic equipment (cell phones, light fixtures, and automobiles) to malfunction. Intra-Dimensional interference can also be experienced in recurring nightmares; depression, children "seeing" or talking to "friends" who are unseen. 


Investment: $350/flat fee. (Can take up to three hours. Includes healing on all family members who experience the manifestation.)



To schedule an appointment, please contact Cherie.

Healing across the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual dimensions....beautiful healer.

Blended Blessings

Blended Blessings is a combination of a hands on energy healing and intuitive guidance. 


The intuitive guidance assists you in your whole health concerning physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects, and clients leave grounded with a greater clarity, a sense of wholeness and lightness to their being.


Investment: $250/ninety minute session



To schedule an appointment, please contact Cherie.

~ S.F. of Virginia
Thank you Cherie for my healing session. I feel much lighter than I have in a long time. You are awesome!

Dimensional Presence

Dimensional Presence is a specific frequency and dimension in which physical law is suspended and unnreasonable healings take place. When Dimensional Presence is invoked miracles occur.


From the mundane to the miraculous...all conditions welcome.


Investment: $220/ninety minute session



To schedule an appointment, please contact Cherie.

~ M.C. of Maryland
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